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Aggressor Not Welcomed!


Georgia Stands with Ukraine!

Nowadays, the aggressor country Russia, lead by its’ president Putin, implements full scale war against peaceful Ukraine.

Georgia has more than 20% of its’ territory occupied by Russia (Abkhazia in 1993 and South Ossetia/Samachablo in 2008).

We know the result of Russian aggression, throughout our history, very well. Explore Georgia - DMC and Incoming Tour Operator does not operate with Russian Tour Operators, Travel Agencies or FITs ever since it was founded in 2004.

Our principle is simple – we can not welcome the guests of the country, that does not respect the sovereignty of neighboring countries.

War lead by Russia in Ukraine has united the whole world against the aggressor. We believe, that only united we can bring peace and justice to the world. The unbelievable aggression of Russia must be stopped!

In 1993 and 2008 Russia has occupied part of Georgian territory, its historical land. Now we face the same attempt in Ukraine. We can see that the will of the Putins’ regime can and definitely will go farther - Poland, Baltic states, the whole Europe, if not stopped now.

By refusing working with Russian visitors, we denied any economical profit, launched to European, American, Eastern markets and big thank you to all our partners all over the world for the great support.

We call all our friends, partners to join in solidarity - refusing to work with Russian market, enable the aggressor country to strengthen its’s economy through hospitality industry.

Слава Україні! Glory to its’ brave people! Glory to Georgia!

Join us!



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